Processing kiln drying and millwork. After your order is received, we de-nail, re-saw, kiln dry, and mould your chosen wood materials. De-nailing is labor intensive and can only be done by hand. Every nail must be removed as even one nail can irreparably damage saw blades and mill equipment. We then re-saw beams, planks, or joists into rough lumber dimensions and place this lumber into a kiln. Our smaller kilns allow us to precisely dry each batched order of wood. The kiln drying process stabilizes, uniformly reduces moisture content, and eradicates wood boring pests. After the kiln, your lumber is sent through the moulding machine. The moulding machine planes the face and bottom and cuts the tongue and groove into flooring or paneling. Every step, from procurement to production, is equally important and carefully monitored. Our strict milling tolerances result in a superior, tightly fitting and stable product.